Quick start
Table of Contents
KSML comes with example definitions, which contain a producer that outputs SensorData messages to Kafka, and several pipelines, which each independently consume and process the produced messages.
Starting a demo setup
After checking out the repository, go to the KSML directory and execute the following:
docker compose up -d
This will start Zookeeper, Kafka and a Schema Registry in the background. It will also start the demo producer, which
outputs two random messages per second on a ksml_sensordata_avro
You can check the valid starting of these containers using the following command:
docker compose logs -f
Press CTRL-C when you verified data is produced. This typically looks like this:
example-producer-1 | 2024-03-06T20:24:49,480Z INFO i.a.k.r.backend.KafkaProducerRunner Calling generate_sensordata_message
example-producer-1 | 2024-03-06T20:24:49,480Z INFO i.a.k.r.backend.ExecutableProducer Message: key=sensor2, value=SensorData: {"city":"Utrecht", "color":"white", "name":"sensor2", "owner":"Alice", "timestamp":1709756689480, "type":"HUMIDITY", "unit":"%", "value":"66"}
example-producer-1 | 2024-03-06T20:24:49,481Z INFO i.a.k.r.backend.ExecutableProducer Produced message to ksml_sensordata_avro, partition 0, offset 1975
example-producer-1 | 2024-03-06T20:24:49,481Z INFO i.a.k.r.backend.KafkaProducerRunner Calling generate_sensordata_message
example-producer-1 | 2024-03-06T20:24:49,481Z INFO i.a.k.r.backend.ExecutableProducer Message: key=sensor3, value=SensorData: {"city":"Alkmaar", "color":"black", "name":"sensor3", "owner":"Dave", "timestamp":"1709756689481", "type":"STATE", "unit":"state", "value":"off"}
example-producer-1 | 2024-03-06T20:24:49,483Z INFO i.a.k.r.backend.Execut^Cestamp":1709756689814, "type":"AREA", "unit":"ft2", "value":"76"}
example-producer-1 | 2024-03-06T20:24:49,815Z INFO i.a.k.r.backend.ExecutableProducer Produced message to ksml_sensordata_xml, partition 0, offset 1129
example-producer-1 | 2024-03-06T20:24:49,921Z INFO i.a.k.r.backend.KafkaProducerRunner Calling generate_sensordata_message
example-producer-1 | 2024-03-06T20:24:49,922Z INFO i.a.k.r.backend.ExecutableProducer Message: key=sensor6, value=SensorData: {"city":"Amsterdam", "color":"yellow", "name":"sensor6", "owner":"Evan", "timestamp":1709756689922, "type":"AREA", "unit":"m2", "value":"245"}
example-producer-1 | 2024-03-06T20:24:49,923Z INFO i.a.k.r.backend.ExecutableProducer Produced message to ksml_sensordata_avro, partition 0, offset 1976
example-producer-1 | 2024-03-06T20:24:50,035Z INFO i.a.k.r.backend.KafkaProducerRunner Calling generate_sensordata_message
example-producer-1 | 2024-03-06T20:24:50,035Z INFO i.a.k.r.backend.ExecutableProducer Message: key=sensor7, value=SensorData: {"city":"Alkmaar", "color":"black", "name":"sensor7", "owner":"Dave", "timestamp":"1709756690035", "type":"TEMPERATURE", "unit":"C", "value":"0"}
Starting a KSML runner
To start a container which executes the example KSML definitions, type
This will start the KSML docker container. You should see the following typical output:
2024-03-06T20:24:51,921Z INFO io.axual.ksml.runner.KSMLRunner Starting KSML Runner
2024-03-06T20:24:57,196Z INFO ksml.functions.log_message Consumed AVRO message - key=sensor9, value={'city': 'Alkmaar', 'color': 'yellow', 'name': 'sensor9', 'owner': 'Bob', 'timestamp': 1709749917190, 'type': 'LENGTH', 'unit': 'm', 'value': '562', '@type': 'SensorData', '@schema': { <<Cleaned KSML Representation of Avro Schema>>}}
2024-03-06T20:24:57,631Z INFO ksml.functions.log_message Consumed AVRO message - key=sensor3, value={'city': 'Amsterdam', 'color': 'blue', 'name': 'sensor3', 'owner': 'Bob', 'timestamp': 1709749917628, 'type': 'HUMIDITY', 'unit': 'g/m3', 'value': '23', '@type': 'SensorData', '@schema': { <<Cleaned KSML Representation of Avro Schema>>}}
2024-03-06T20:24:58,082Z INFO ksml.functions.log_message Consumed AVRO message - key=sensor6, value={'city': 'Amsterdam', 'color': 'white', 'name': 'sensor6', 'owner': 'Bob', 'timestamp': 1709749918078, 'type': 'TEMPERATURE', 'unit': 'F', 'value': '64', '@type': 'SensorData', '@schema': { <<Cleaned KSML Representation of Avro Schema>>}}
2024-03-06T20:24:58,528Z INFO ksml.functions.log_message Consumed AVRO message - key=sensor9, value={'city': 'Amsterdam', 'color': 'black', 'name': 'sensor9', 'owner': 'Evan', 'timestamp': 1709749918524, 'type': 'TEMPERATURE', 'unit': 'F', 'value': '87', '@type': 'SensorData', '@schema': { <<Cleaned KSML Representation of Avro Schema>>}}
2024-03-06T20:24:58,970Z INFO ksml.functions.log_message Consumed AVRO message - key=sensor1, value={'city': 'Amsterdam', 'color': 'black', 'name': 'sensor1', 'owner': 'Bob', 'timestamp': 1709749918964, 'type': 'TEMPERATURE', 'unit': 'F', 'value': '75', '@type': 'SensorData', '@schema': { <<Cleaned KSML Representation of Avro Schema>>}}
2024-03-06T20:24:59,412Z INFO ksml.functions.log_message Consumed AVRO message - key=sensor5, value={'city': 'Amsterdam', 'color': 'blue', 'name': 'sensor5', 'owner': 'Bob', 'timestamp': 1709749919409, 'type': 'LENGTH', 'unit': 'm', 'value': '658', '@type': 'SensorData', '@schema': { <<Cleaned KSML Representation of Avro Schema>>}}
Next steps
Check out the examples in the examples
directory of the project. By modifying the file examples/ksml-runner.yaml
can select the example(s) to run.
For a more elaborate introduction, you can start here or refer to the documentation.